Submission Procedure
Projects must be submitted in two formats by the beginning of class (10am) on its due date.
- Printed out and stapled together
- By email to james at
Paper Submission
Projects must be printed out and stapled and turned in at the beginning of class (10am) on its due date. Submission must contain:
- Project source files
- Test cases and output
For the printed out submission, please limit Test cases and output to no more than 3 pages.
Email Submission
Emails must contain attachments containing the project. The project can be submitted by multiple attachments or zipped together in a single file. Submissions must contain 3 distinct files:
- Project source files
- Test cases and output
Submission Contents
Project must contain a README.txt containing the following:
- Student Name
- Student ID #
- Date
- Description of Assignment: It is not necessary to repeat the assignment description. A short description can be more than sufficient
- Project Design: Design decisions you made during your project: e.g., the use of classes, structures, functions, etc.
- Complications and other Notes: Problems you encountered and other challenges you had
Project Source Files
Project source files include all .h and .cpp files needed to compile and execute your code. Typically these are the files you have created in Visual Studio.
Test Cases and Results
Along with your project source files, it is important for you to test and validate the results of your program. With your project submission you are required to provide some sample inputs and the resulting output displayed by the console. For projects where the input is provided on the console, a test case and its result could be obtained by copying and pasting the console display.
Grading Guidelines
Functionality [60%]
Project grading will be heavily weighted toward functionality. Your project will be executed using sample input to validate if your algorithms and code achieve the desired results.
Code Style [20%]
While functionality is the most important aspect of programming, coding style will affect readability and long-term code maintenance. Projects using good coding style should use the following:
- Functions: All important calculations and algorithms should be contained in functions (and not in the main()).
- Program flow: main() should follow the input, calculation, output model. Do not mix your calculations with your output. Or put another way, use functions.
- Well-named functions and variable names: Short temporary variables can have names like i, j, k, x,y,z but in general functions and variable names should be descriptive of what they do.
Testing [10%]
Students must test their project before submission. Test cases and the corresponding output are required as part of your submission.
Documentation [10%]
Functions should contain javadoc style comments for all major functions. Also any complicated segments of code should contain short inline comments to help clarify what the code is doing.
Finally, all projects must contain a README file with their project.