Welcome to my website on my professional interests in technology, computer science, programming, and consulting work. I have extensive expertise in open source technologies, ranging from Linux, Apache, php, python, Java, HTML, CSS, etc. The bulk of my work has been centered around custom web development solutions to target business needs.
My goal is to provide simplistic and functional websites and tools with minimal development requirements and maintenance. For simple projects, I have been leveraging WordPress with custom plugins. For more complex projects, I prefer to hand-code solutions using php, python, java, or HTML/CSS/JS.
My next big foray will be into the mobile computing development. With smart phones like the iPhone and Android, 95%+ of our computer needs can be handled on the spot with our cellphones.
I have many diverse interests, including Wing Chun Kung Fu. If you are looking for information in regards to Self-Defense and martial arts, please checkout my other website: Â wingchunhouston.com. If you are looking for help or need a developer/consultant, please contact me.