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Adjunct Teaching Position at HCC

After a long hiatus in the core technology field, I am planning my return. I applied for a position at Houston Community College (HCC) a couple weeks ago and will be finalizing the paperwork in the weeks to come. As my close friends already know, I have a love-hate relationship with technology. On the positive end of the spectrum, technology has transformed and improved our lives in innumerable ways (and is continuing everyday). On the negative end, however, technology is just a tool. It can be very mechanical and programmatic at times, and is in many ways inharmonious with the emotional, psychological, and intuitive aspects of our lives and every day needs. So for example, we can “google” most anything. But then, its our job to filter the results for relevancy, quality, and integrity.  But this is a discussion for a different day.

My current understanding is that I will be teaching a C++ class in the spring. In the long run, I hope the flexibility of the HCC system allows me to teach more cutting edge technologies, the top on my list, being to teach programming for mobile devices, such as the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android phones.

Posted in Education.

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